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Eco-style: from Principles to Display Racks

Eco-style: from Principles to Display Racks


In 2019 consumers choose clean organic fruits and vegetables, switch out plastic packaging for craft-paper and fabric ones, buy clothes from eco-leather and lyocell. This organic trend is evident in all spheres and retail space design is not an exception. Brands take care of both their products on the market and how those are represented.

Экостиль: что значит для брендов

A Few Words about Eco-products…

Why companies suddenly started to care about the environment? That’s the way they can present themselves as a part of the society and not some stand-alone entities. Consumers consider those brands ethical and highly aware, if they make efforts to protect the environment by giving up on hazardous substances in the process of manufacturing, holding lectures / trainings on recycling for their staff and so on. Marketing specialists design detailed strategies, which include specific steps of company’s development within strict principles of society.

Examples of eco-products:

  • Talisman Fusing Factory creates tableware and décor pieces from used glass: their bottle-shaped plates are used in Italian restaurants for serving appetizers.

Talisman Fusing Factory

Zelenew is a recycling lab, where people create out of recycled plastic amazing things such as baskets and boxes for plants and fruits or containers for pens and pencils.

Примеры экотоваров: Zelenew

Papinarubashka is an upcycling-studio famous for its notebooks with fabric covers. They use old shirts, curtains or tablecloths from second-hand shops and flea markets. Each piece is unique: there is no more than 5 copies of each notebook design and previous editions cannot be recreated.

Экопродукт от Papinarubashka

+ CBS Corporation created the Eco Ad program, which receives 10% of company’s income each year. Employees fund installation of solar panels, lighting and creation of green spaces.


+ SAN InBev Ukraine, the Chernihivske beer manufacturer, advocates for efficient use of resources and organic products. Their beer contains no harmful additives and they check their water for toxins and metals using 32 different tests. They also clean their processing waste. Apart from improvement of their products, the company develops parks, cleans lakes, rivers and beaches, sets up picnic areas, installs trash bins in public places.  

… And About Eco-style Stores

Eco-style became widely discussed in the late 20th century, when humanity faced major environmental problems. But the style itself has emerged much earlier: the father of modernism Alvar Aalto was the first one to design buildings with trees growing through their rooftops. And Scandinavian designers were the first ones to use natural materials.

Eco-style resembles minimalism — the interiors are lightweight and all decorative elements are also functional. Products are in the baskets and pumpkins work as lampshades. Pictures from stone and wood, pebbles in vases — these elements will only bring out the overall style of the store. Designers often use real plants to accentuate the organic interior. All furniture and display racks are made from natural materials.

When choosing color scheme, designers tend to use natural colors: brown, green, blue, tawny. No bright highlights.

Eco-style stores are spacious and bright. Wood and rattan are the basic materials for racks and furniture. Spaces are filled with simple forms and natural textures. The main idea is to get across the eco-style principles using natural materials.


Examples of Display Racks from Eco-style Stores

1. The key element of Louis Philippe Gods & Kings store in Bangalore, India is a checkmate shop-window with eco-friendly soluble vinyl prints. But it doesn’t stop there: the store is filled with wooden display racks and tables.

Louis Philippe Gods & Kings в Бангалоре (Индия)

2. Pressed Juices healthy food store in Melbourne, Australia has some minimalistic charm and contrasting color scheme. Furniture and display racks are made of wood, crates are made out of pine bars. One of the walls is fully covered with wooden boxes for fruits and vegetables.

Магазин здорового питания Pressed Juices в Мельбурне (Австралия)

Магазин здорового питания Pressed Juices

3. Fromagerie Alleosse food store in Paris, France is located in a basement. Walls are covered with textured wood. This way the owners wanted to express their commitment to everything natural and eco-friendly. Flooring is made out of tiles, while ceiling is decorated with wooden plates and metal lamps. All counters and display racks are made of light wood. This warm and cozy store in heart of the metropolis attracts customers with its unconventional design.

Продуктовый магазин Fromagerie Alleosse в Париже (Франция)

Продуктовый магазин Fromagerie Alleosse в Париже (Франция)

4. Another example of eco-style store is Convert Man in San-Francisco. Display racks are made out of cardboard, hangers are out of bamboo and the floor is coated with tiles. The space itself reflects brand’s philosophy, the key element of which is care for the environment. The interior is designed using neutral colors, which won’t distract customers. Here you will find designer racks and other furniture, which looks both simple and functional.

Пример магазина в экостиле — Convert Man в Сан-Франциско.

 Пример магазина в экостиле — Convert Man в Сан-Франциско.

5. Petrol Industries office and showroom combine simple exterior and interior décor, industrial style, natural and environmentally friendly materials. Constructions are made out of high-quality steel and wood, while recycled oak wood was used for the stairs.

Офис и шоурум Petrol Industries

Офис и шоурум Petrol Industries

6. Pur healthy food store in Helsinki promotes eco-lifestyle using both their products and the overall store atmosphere. Some surfaces are coated with blue tiles. Display racks and shop-windows are made out of light wood. A natural texture of stone floors is preserved. The space is decorated with real plants.

Магазин здоровых продуктов Pur в Хельсинки

Магазин здоровых продуктов Pur в Хельсинки

More and more brands are “joining the bright side”: they create eco-friendly products, recycle plastic and use natural material for in-store decoration. And these are the first steps in our fight for clean air :)